Outcomes APN
Outcomes advanced nursing and midwifery practice
- 2019 Abraham_Cost-effectiveness of APN in chronic diseases.pdf (769136)
- APRNs Improve Quality Outcomes and cost of care.pdf (418365)
- Casey et al-2017-Overview of ANMP outcomes.pdf (417621)
- Impact of the Advanced Practice Provider in Adult Critical Care.pdf (548665)
- Advanced practice nursing for orthopaedic patients in the emergency care context_2019.pdf (393490)
- Advanced Practice Nursing Outcomes-A Review of Selected Empirical Literature_2004.pdf (477928)
- Evaluation of the role of the clinical Nurse Specialist in cancer care_an integrative literature review_Kerr 2021.pdf (413421)
Verpleegkundig specialisten in Nederland
- Verpleegkundig specialisten Nederland op de zorgkaart_V-VN magazine mei 2017.pdf (81,4 kB)
- de financiële effecten van taakherschikking_rapport Radboudumc 2019.pdf (1727802)
Ervaringen van patiënten met APN's
- Holistic health care: Patients' experiences of health care provided by an Advanced Practice Nurse
- Grypdonck_Verpleegkundige spreekuren in de zorg voor mensen met een chronische ziekte_2010.pdf (987346)
- Patient-reported perceptions of care after the introduction of a new advanced cancer nursing role in Sweden.pdf (196958)