Advanced practice RN's improve quality outcomes
- APRNs Improve Quality Outcomes and cost of care.pdf (418365)
- Artikel op website Health Leaders Media
Outcomes advanced nursing and midwifery practice
De meerwaarde van verpleegkundige spreekuren
Verpleegkundig specialisten op de zorgkaart in Nederland
- Verpleegkundig specialisten Nederland op de zorgkaart_V-VN magazine mei 2017.pdf (81,4 kB)
- Artikel in het V&VN magazine mei 2017
Ervaringen van patiënten met APN's
Holistic health care: Patients' experiences of health care provided by an Advanced Practice Nurse
Irene Eriksson, Monica Lindblad, Ulrika Möller and Catharina Gillsjö
Version of Record online: 25 OCT 2017 | DOI: 10.1111/ijn.12603
What is already known about this topic?
- Advanced Practice Nurse is an established role worldwide but is fairly new in Sweden.
- Patients express a high level of satisfaction with the health care provided by an APN in various settings worldwide.
What this paper adds:
- APNs provide safe and secure individual and holistic health care with high quality.
- APNs have knowledge and skills that they carry out with a respectful and flexible approach.
- APNs convey trust and provide health care that satisfies the patients' needs of accessibility and appropriateness in level of care.